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The Community Safety Officer is not a Law Enforcement Officer

Call 911 for Emergencies

Introducing Fort Liard's Community Safety Program

For residents in need of Safety and Security Support


For Crimes
call the

Our Purpose

Our Vision

- To provide a physical and visible presence in the community
- Respond to non-criminal public concerns
- Provide a safe environment for community residents
- Educate on safety issues/ concerns
- Promote and build community relationship with the R.C.M.P
- Develop and implement community safety initiatives

The Hamlet of Fort Liard envisions us as a progressive, healthy, and safe community. Our vision is to maintain this while respecting the traditions and cultures of our residents. 

How to contact us

174 Valley Main Street
Fort Liard, NT
Phone: (867) 770-4104    Ext# 105

For Urgent matters, call 867-444-4104

Fort Liard has been nicknamed the “Tropics of the North” because of its southern location and micro climate that brings long hot summer days and the occasional Chinook winds in the winter. The closest communities to Fort Liard are Nahanni Butte, NT and Fort Nelson, BC.

Connect with Us

Tele: (867) 770-4104
Fax: (867) 770-4004
174 Valley Main Street
Fort Liard, NT  X0G 0A0

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