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Below are copies of various Hamlet of Fort Liard Bylaws. These documents are not official copies, and this is not a complete list of bylaws. Certified copies may be obtained from the Hamlet Office during normal business hours. Please contact the Senior Administrative Officer for certified copies for more information regarding these and other bylaws.  In the case of a discrepancy between the information provided the original bylaw will apply.


Bylaw# 63 -   Inoperable Vehicles 

Bylaw# 133 - Municipal Service Standard Bylaw

Bylaw# 139 - Fort Liard Zoning By-law

Bylaw# 210 - Duty Travel

Bylaw# 211 - Facility Rate Rental 

Bylaw# 212 - Waste Disposal Site

Bylaw# 271 - Acquisition of Land [Cemetery]

Bylaw# 272 - Acquisition of Land [Municipal Works Yard]

Bylaw# 273 - Purchase of Fire Truck 

Bylaw# 274 - Fire Chief Appointment 

Bylaw# 275 - Municipal Road Closure

Bylaw# 276 - Hamlet Employment - Consolidated

Bylaw# 279 - Council Indemnity

Bylaw# 281 - Emergency Management

Bylaw# 282 - Fire Protection

Bylaw# 286 - Municipal General Election

Bylaw# 292 - Procurement Bylaw

Bylaw# 297 - Term Increase for Mayor and Councilors

Bylaw# 299 - Municipal Service Rate Amendment

Bylaw# 302 - Asset Disposal Bylaw

Bylaw# 303 - Asset Disposal Bylaw

Bylaw# 304 - Asset Disposal Bylaw

Bylaw# 305 - Asset Disposal Bylaw

Bylaw# 308 - Municipal Service Rate Amendment Bylaw

Bylaw# 310 - Cemetery

Bylaw# 312 - Community Safety Department

Bylaw# 314 - Emergency Management

Bylaw# 316 - Asset Disposal Bylaw

Bylaw# 317 - Temporary Borrowing

Bylaw# 318 - Business License

Bylaw# 319 - Designated Statutory Holidays

Bylaw# 320 - Facility Rental Rates

Bylaw# 326 - Hamlet Service(s) Standards

Bylaw# 327 - Hamlet Services(s) Rates

Bylaw# 328 - Asset Disposal

Bylaw# 331 - Municipal Service(s) Rates 2023(1)

Bylaw# 333 - Finance Officer Appointment

Bylaw# 335 - Community Safety Appointment

Bylaw# 337 - Regular Staff Employment

Bylaw# 338 - Casual / Seasonal Staff Employment

Bylaw# 339 - Emergency Management

Bylaw# 340 - Municipal Service(s) Rates 2023(1) Amendment

Bylaw# 341 - Facility Rental Rates 2025

Bylaw# 343 - Community Safety Officer Appointment

Bylaw# 344 - Municipal Service(s) Rate "D" Amendment


Personnel Policies - Personnel Policies

Personnel Policies and Procedures - Code of Conduct

Personnel Policies - Progressive Discipline

Personnel Policies - Substance Abuse

Personnel Policies - Reasonable Suspicion of Impairment

Personnel Policies - Occupational Health and Safety

Personnel Policies - Harassment Policy

Personnel Policies - Municipal Complaint Policy

Fort Liard has been nicknamed the “Tropics of the North” because of its southern location and micro climate that brings long hot summer days and the occasional Chinook winds in the winter. The closest communities to Fort Liard are Nahanni Butte, NT and Fort Nelson, BC.

Connect with Us

Tele: (867) 770-4104
Fax: (867) 770-4004
174 Valley Main Street
Fort Liard, NT  X0G 0A0

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